The body is the foundation of all our functions. Ayurveda helps us to make our body strong, healthy, pure and free of toxins, with a good immune function, healthy appetite and good capacity for work and exercise. It also helps us to maintain our senses sharp and alert. It makes our mind calm and free from harmful emotions. In overall, Ayurveda helps us to lead a healthy and disease free life.
Diseases we treat are tabulated as follows:
A | F | N |
Acid Reflux | Fatigue | Nocturnal Emissions |
Ankylosing Spondylitis | Frigidity | O |
Anorexia | Fibromyalgia | Obesity |
AIDS | Flatulence | Osteoarthritis |
Allergic Rhinitis | G | Oligospermia |
Allergies | Gall Stone | P |
Angina Pectoris | Gout | Parkinson's Disease |
Acne | Goiter | Paranoia |
Asthma | Gonorrhea | Poliomyelitis |
Azzospermia | H | Psychosis |
Anxiety Disorder | Hair Loss & Premature Graying | Pleurisy |
Alternatives for HRT | Hysteria | Premature Ejaculation |
Amenorrhea | Headache | Psoriasis |
B | High Cholesterol | Pregnancy Disorders |
Bronchial Asthma | Hyperacidity | Premenstrual Syndrome |
Bipolar Disease | Hyperthyroidism | Piles |
Bronchitis | Halitosis | Pyorrhea |
C | Hypertension | R |
Childhood Asthma | Hypothyroidism | Renal Failure |
Cataract | I | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Chronic Laryngitis | Interstitial Cystitis | S |
Cancer | Influenza | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
Conjunctivitis | Infertility | Syphilis |
Coeliac Disease | Ischemic Heart Disease | Schizophrenia |
Cervical Spondylosis | Insomnia | Sinusitis |
Chronic Gastritis | Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Senile Deafness |
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | J | Stye |
Cystitis, Uretritis & Prostatitis | Jaundice | Sciatica |
Chronic Rhinits | K | T |
Constipation | Kidney & Urinary Infections | Tonsillitis |
D | Kidney Stone | Tinea (Ring Worm) |
Dandruff | L | U |
Delusion | Leucoderma | Urticaria/Hives |
Dysphasia | Leucorrhoea | Ulcerative Colitis |
Dyspepsia | M | Urinary Tract Infection |
Diverticulitis | Multiple Sclerosis | V |
Diabetes Mellitus | Menstrual Problems | Vitiligo |
E | Miscarriage | |
Esophageal Hiatus Hernia | Menopause | |
Epilepsies | Myopia | |
Epitasis | Migraine | |
Eczema | Major Depressive Illness | |
Eosinophilia | Menorrhagia | |
Erectile Dysfunctions |
Our therapy varies from an individual to another individual. Individualized recommendations are made based on the individual's medical condition, body type, and on the seasons. Recent scientific advances regarding specific conditions are also incorporated into the regimen when applicable.