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Lord Dhanvanthri - �Father of Ayurveda�

Lord Dhanvanthri is referred to as the Father of Ayurveda. He can always be seen holding a conch shell, a disc of energy, a leech, and a pot of celestial ambrosia. A subtle clear blaze of light can be seen shining around his head, lotus eyes and his heart. He is Lord of Divine Healing who destroys all disease like a mighty forest fire.

He was the first divine incarnation to impart its wisdom amongst humans. He first appeared during the great churning of the cosmic ocean of milk to deliver amrit (ambrosia, or Divine nectar) to the demigods. The churning of the ocean of milk is a famous episode in the Puranas that represents the spiritual endeavor of a person to achieve Self-realization through concentration of mind, withdrawal of the senses, control of all desires, austerities and asceticism. It is celebrated in India every twelve years in the holy festival known as Kumbha Mela.

King Dirghatamas of Kashi (Benares) was performing severe austerities and offering them to Lord Dhanvantari in the hopes that he would be pleased with them and grant him a son. The Lord replied that he would. Soon after, Lord Dhanvantari was born in the royal household of Kashi. He taught Ayurveda orally to the sages and rishis (seers) who became his disciples. His teachings are recorded in the Agni Purana, as well as through the teachings of his disciples Susruta, Pauskalavata, Aurabha, Vaitarana, and others.

It is written in the scriptures that, “One who remembers the name of Dhanvantari can be released from all disease.” Lord Dhanvantari is worshipped all over India as the God of Medicine. Even today, two days before Diwali, the Festival of Lights, people remember and honor him. At dusk, a lamp pointing toward North by North-East is lit at the doorstep of the house to welcome Lord Dhanvantari for health and happiness in life. This day is known as Dhanteras (or Dhanwantari Triodasi, or Dhantrayodashi).

Objectives of Dhanvanthri Therapy - Holistic Ayurvedic Treatment

  • To prevent diseases, (Preventive medicine),
  • To cure & bring relief to the sick (Curative medicine)
  • To rejuvenate a person of poor health back to good health (Rejuvenate medicine).
  • It is not only a system of treatment alone but it is a science of health.

AYURSUTRA & its Holistic Health Care is now become a boon to this modern stressful world.

Holistic Healing has almost become a mantra in today’s world given the myriad of health problems that mankind is facing on account of modern stressed out lifestyles. It is being increasingly accepted by the global community, both by patients and medical practitioners that no single system can address all the health needs of modern day society. India as we know has a long and ancient tradition of holistic healing, be it Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani or Yoga. They are not merely symptomatic treatment systems but lay emphasis on the fact that the basic premise of good health is a healthy lifestyle. This makes them ideally placed to provide answers to the health care needs of modern society.

AYURSUTRA wishes International Ayurveda Festival 2012 a hearty success.

With an aim to showcase the benefits and use of Ayurveda, the state capital is all set to host the biggest ever Global Ayurveda festival starting from February 9. About 2500 leading Ayurveda practitioners from across the world will be participating in the event, which would mainly focus on how to tackle the lifestyle disorders. Ayursutra wishes all its aspirants to participate and get the benefits of this wonderful festival.

Ayursutra Blog is now very useful and successful among our aspirants interact with each other.

By Divine grace and continuous support of our aspirants, we have been able to create a virtual ayurvedic community where anybody can read and interact with other ideas, insights, and inspiration to create your life-vision and offer tools to build and live your unique life-purpose.

Ayursutra conducted its 32nd free therapy camp successfully for the poor and needy people with the help of few NGOs.

Ayursutra has recently conducted its 32nd free therapy camp successfully for the poor and needy people with the help of few NGOs. Lot of people has been benefitted by these free camps. Lot of NGOs has now started approaching AYURSUTRA for conducting such camps for the people taken care by them.

AYURSUTRA & its Holistic Health Care is now become a boon to this modern stressful world.

Holistic Healing has almost become a mantra in today’s world given the myriad of health problems that mankind is facing on account of modern stressed out lifestyles. It is being increasingly accepted by the global community, both by patients and medical practitioners that no single system can address all the health needs of modern day society. India as we know has a long and ancient tradition of holistic healing, be it Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani or Yoga. They are not merely symptomatic treatment systems but lay emphasis on the fact that the basic premise of good health is a healthy lifestyle. This makes them ideally placed to provide answers to the health care needs of modern society.

AYURSUTRA wishes International Ayurveda Festival 2012 a hearty success.

With an aim to showcase the benefits and use of Ayurveda, the state capital is all set to host the biggest ever Global Ayurveda festival starting from February 9. About 2500 leading Ayurveda practitioners from across the world will be participating in the event, which would mainly focus on how to tackle the lifestyle disorders. Ayursutra wishes all its aspirants to participate and get the benefits of this wonderful festival.

Ayursutra Blog is now very useful and successful among our aspirants interact with each other.

By Divine grace and continuous support of our aspirants, we have been able to create a virtual ayurvedic community where anybody can read and interact with other ideas, insights, and inspiration to create your life-vision and offer tools to build and live your unique life-purpose.

Ayursutra conducted its 32nd free therapy camp successfully for the poor and needy people with the help of few NGOs.

Ayursutra has recently conducted its 32nd free therapy camp successfully for the poor and needy people with the help of few NGOs. Lot of people has been benefitted by these free camps. Lot of NGOs has now started approaching AYURSUTRA for conducting such camps for the people taken care by them.


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